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Perrine Levassort Appointed Partner at HOPSCOTCH PR

A New Contribution to Governance Matters

(re)BOOST, A New Flagship Expertise for HOPSCOTCH PR.

Cécile Granat and Charles-Antoine Colomb, Managing Directors of Hopscotch PR, have announced today the appointment of Perrine Levassort as Partner alongside Anne-Sophie Morizot, in charge of the Active Corporate offering, and Mathieu Morel, in charge of the Social Brands offering. Endowed with tech, corporate, lifestyle and societal expertise, Perrine Levassort joined Hopscotch PR in 2015 and now leads the (re)BOOST offering, which supports brands seeking acceleration and renewal in their Relational Capital through conniving, original, and creative PR activations and partnerships within the ecosystem. 


Strengthened Governance for HOPSCOTCH PR

As a Partner, Perrine Levassort now brings (re)BOOST to the forefront of Hopscotch PR’s offer to boost or reboost brands. Through this new mission, she contributes to Hopscotch PR’s governance challenges, working in particular on setting up sector-specific trend monitoring and integrating Artificial Intelligence tools into Hopscotch PR’s business lines.

Perrine joined Hopscotch PR in 2015 to work on the Microsoft account and developed a corporate, lifestyle, and societal tech expertise by supporting various customers such as eBay, Meetic, Samsung, and Waze, after six years at Publicis Consultants.

“Evolving within Hopscotch PR has enabled me to develop my skills in areas of expertise and subjects ranging from tech and mobility to societal transformations. It’s a learning organization: two years ago, I had the opportunity to create the (re)BOOST offer, made up of committed consultants working on exciting matters”, says Perrine Levassort, Partner at Hopscotch PR.



An Offer to Support Brands’ Relational Capital

The team in charge of the (re)BOOST offer brings together eight experts, and supports brands through creative approaches in line with their own challenges, as well as current societal issues: conversational diagnostics, partnership activations, new social platform launches… The team notably supported eBay in France in its strategy around reasoned consumption and giving a second home to objects, with the non-participation in Black Friday.

“Since joining Hopscotch PR, Perrine Levassort has asserted her talents of grasping societal trends, understanding new conversational spaces, and anticipating transformations linked to AI, which she puts at the service of her teams and the agency’s customers. We are proud that she has taken up this new position to have a greater impact on Hopscotch PR’s attractivity to talent and our customers”, emphasize Cécile Granat and Charles-Antoine Colomb, Managing Directors of Hopscotch PR.

“The appointment of Perrine Levassort as a Partner at Hopscotch PR illustrates our conviction that, as we enter the era of relational economy/mindset, brands need to engage in a conversation with their audiences by making a useful contribution through content and events, and therefore by working on their Relational Capital. I salute Perrine’s career at Hopscotch and her contribution to our ambition of offering the best in Relational Capital to our customers and employees”, comments Benoît Désveaux, CEO of Hopscotch Groupe.