Capture d’écran 2023-06-02 160825

HOPSCOTCH Season (formerly Sopexa) Mix&Match | Taste France Magazine

HOPSCOTCH Season (formerly Sopexa) imagined an ambitious and high-impact influencer event to promote French products internationally. The objective was to create original, quality content and capitalize on local ambassadors’ communities (a total of 12M contacts), as well as engage with Taste France online community

HOPSCOTCH Season gathered in Paris 6 macro-influencers coming from different countries to discover a selection of French products. They associated them with those of their countries of origin during a challenge filmed in a studio. A fun and immersive journey through Paris brought them into different manufacturing worlds and French products consumption universes. Upon their return to their home countries, they have been challenged to create recipes from their favorite countries. 


  • 6 countries
  • + 16.5 M people reached
  • 13M videos views
  • +233k interactions