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The #BookTok Phenomenon With Le Public Système PR

📘 Are You Familiar With the #BookTok Phenomenon?

The #BookTok phenomenon emerged in the U.S. in December 2020 and materialized from TikTok users’ creativity. It has now gathered over 104 billion views on the platform and very quickly resonated with the French community.

Le Public Système PR helped the TikTok France team organize a round-table discussion for journalists to decipher this phenomenon, which is affecting a whole ecosystem of enthusiasts, from those who are simply curious, to booksellers, teachers, and even authors. This was an opportunity to discuss how #BookTok has given a new lease of life to certain authors and their works, thanks to the TikTok community’s power of influence. It also has an impact on players in the book world, for who TikTok provides a unique space in which they can exchange ideas with literature lovers and those in search of new discoveries.

Event BookTok