Hopscotch Europe Positions Nuritas as World Leader in A.I. Across USA and Europe

Hopscotch Europe worked for Nuritas, to position the brand as a global leader in artificial intelligence, and leverage Nuritas’ latest partnership, products, and development to raise its profile among the media and key stakeholders.

Hopscotch Europe initiated proactive media outreach with large-audience print and online media, including food and science editors of national dailies and magazines, as well as podcasts. Teams did so by positioning the unique selling points of Nuritas, and by capitalizing on trends in the food and mainstream media to generate new angles around current topics and news for thought leadership pieces and newsjacking opportunities. ​Hopsocth also secured speaking opportunities and panels to position the board members as Key Opinion Leaders in the industry.

Dr Nora Khaldi was the face of the brand, leaning on her passion and exceptional background to stand out from the crowd.

In total, 231 clippings and 24 interviews.