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Hopscotch Event Creates Renault Group’s Stand at ChangeNOW 2024: Innovation & Circular Economy

At this year’s ChangeNOW event in Paris, Hopscotch Event designed and produced Renault Group’s event stand. The 36 square meter display aimed to increase awareness and visibility of Renault’s company The Future Is Neutral, operating for automotive circular economy value chain, striving towards resource neutrality.

Hopscotch teams came up with an attractive and thought-provoking layout, with an educational flair to it. The creative proposal? “Discover the loop of eco-solution from car to car”. Parts of the car were laid out paired with fun and engaging explanations that dotted the walls of this part exhibit part booth-like stand. This translated the innovation loop with physical objects and a physical path, guiding visitors through the circular economy process implemented by The Future Is Neutral and its partners.

A beaming success with more than 35,000 participants, 700 journalists, and 14 country delegations across the globe.

With over 15 years’ experience in the eco-design of responsible events (ISO 20121 certified), Hopscotch Event’s teams once again worked with Renault Group to design a reusable stand, and carried out actions such as sourcing raw materials, upcycling and recycling leftover materials, and recycling badges.

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