
Valérie Bonnement
Deputy Managing Director of Hopscotch Groupe and Member of the HOPSCOTCH Season Board of Directors

As Deputy Managing Director, Valérie Bonnement works directly with clients, oversees the group’s communications, and ensures ideal synergy among our agencies, creating the dream team to best meet the challenges on every major project.

Her first work placement was with Délires in 1987, which had not long been established and was still working out of a garage. Everything had to be built from the ground up and Valérie dived right in, staying with the agency as it first became Le Public Système, and then HOPSCOTCH in 2015. Valérie loves a new challenge, changing roles every three or four years in order to fully understand all areas of global PR. She was appointed Events Director in 1995, a role in which she coordinated Sony Dream World, and of which she has fond memories of working with Claude Berri on the relaunch of his Fondation Germinal. From 2001 onwards, Valérie was responsible for the group’s commercial development and media relations. She was also responsible for welcoming and incorporating our new agencies, including Sagarmatha, HOPSCOTCH, and heaven.

Since 2016, she sits on the Board of Directors of HOPSCOTCH Season, an international agency with which HOPSCOTCH has joined forces. As such, she plays a front-line role in HOPSCOTCH’s international development strategy, helping to write the next chapter in our history.

Valérie is involved with the association 20Ans 1Projet, supporting young adults affected by illness in their career plans. And when she is not working, she switches between “culture and agriculture”, as she puts it, large exhibitions, small local markets, and friendly get-togethers.